Breeding Pomeranian's
Allot of people have questions on the breeding process whether they themselves are looking to breed their poms or just curious how its done.
Heat Cycle
When a female comes into heat there are different stages. During the first stage she isn't ready to breed and will not let the male mount. When the female begins to have a cream drip in the vaginal aread she will then be ready to breed and will let the male mount.
First time female may resist but a little compfert from the breeder and help being held still she should calm down and let the male mount.
when a male enters a female the bulb of his penis swells and they become stuck together this is called a tie and can last from a few minutes to an hour. during this time sperm is released. It is important not to let the female jerk around or try to run off as she can severly hurt the male. Ties should be monitered and other dogs should not be around. you should allow time inbetween ties so the male doesn't dehyfrate or hurt himself. If this is a females first time being bred longer periods inbetween ties should be allowed. Females can be in active heat for days or a week.
for the first month a pregnant female may lose her appitie through up a bit after all even dogs get morning sickness. It can be hard to tell that a pomeranian is pregnant unless they have a large batch of puppies they don't show till a few weeks before their dew date. Pomeranian pregnacies last 63 days. One way to tell if your pom is pregnant is to get an ultrasound done at a vet if not wait till around 6-7 weeks then you should be able to feel the puppies moving inside moms tummy. Females will begin to nest close to their do date, so having a nice safe compfterable spot for her to deliver is important. Her nipples will begin to swell and her vaginal area will dialate close to delivery.
Labor signs can vary depending on the dog. Some pant very heavily, wine and try to hide..Others will be quiet and whine when the pups are coming out. Females will have a drop in temperature 24 hours prior to delivery and may stop eating.
When the puppies are coming out it is important to make sure mom isn't struggling to push out the puppy as they can become stuck in the birth cannal If possible you may need to gently pull a puppy out if thats not possible you will need to get her to a vet ASAP. if mommy doesn't tear the sacs open you may need to rip them open and clear the fluid away from the puppies face. Letting the mom eat the sacs is a good thing, this help speed contractions and milk development . Pomeranian's usually have between 1-5 puppies it is possible for them to have more but not likely.
Pomeranian females under 4 pounds should not be bred due to higher risks in complications.